Technorati Profile Griffith Publishing: Newsletters and stuff

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Newsletters and stuff

HealthWorks will be on its way to the artist for graphic design tomorrow or Friday for sure. Then I must settle down and get Dr. Ing's book finished up.

The client from Boston, referenced below, did decide to use my service. I still need to prepare a proposal for him and told him I'd try to get his book ready within three weeks. Or less.

Here's the story list for HealthWorks:

1. Shocks can be fatal. The effect on the body of electrical shocks. Safety information about electrical hazards at the workplace.

2. Construction noise. Ways to reduce the high incidence of occupational hearing loss in the construction industry.

3. Why trying to hire only healthy workers is a bad idea (short piece)

4. Breathing: oxygen depletion, suffocation, complications, survival. Confined space.

5. The dizzy employee. What causes a sensation of imbalance and how it could affect workplace safety. What should be done.

Number 5, above, is on the respirator because I couldn't find any information about it. If I kept files on the topic, I don't know where I kept them. I may try again tomorrow.

I added a piece on recognizing the violent employee.

With all the above I still have a page and some to go. That's my assignment for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to read HealthWorks, the list of articles sounds very interesting. How do I find this publication? I searched on the internet and only found a HealthWorks magazine published by Methodist Hospital, and the last issue was 2003. There are many, many organizations called HealthWorks. When you mention a publication it would be helpful if you provide a link to that publication.