Technorati Profile Griffith Publishing: End of 3Q

Friday, September 28, 2007

End of 3Q

The past two months haven't been wonderful as far as income for Griffith Publishing is concerned, but I had enough reserves on hand to make it through the broken wrist phase and carry on. Now I'm eager to enter a high-income, high-effort mode again.
  • My author/client from Meridian brought by his final corrections for his book on parenting from a dad's perspective. He's thinking about hard cover.
  • Still waiting to hear from the urology professor about the big order he's expecting from a pharmaceutical house.
  • My local psychiatrist client says she can get me free time on a special radio program for doctors to promote my publishing services. I told her I'm ready.
  • My "breathing" doctor says he'll have instructions for completing his book on the Chinese art of breathing in a few days.
  • I haven't heard from the doctor who asked me to help him with an osteoporosis book. I'm afraid he has something else in mind. He's paid me to date, so I'm not worried much.
  • My graphic designer and I are sending BeWell to the printer in a couple of days, and we've been able to retain the same printer in Boise.
  • I need a huge high-profit project. Or several medium-profit projects would be nice, too.

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